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Activating tools

Core Apps

Otomi by default installs a minimal set of core applications. With the Core apps, Otomi offers an advanced ingress architecture using Nginx, Istio, Keycloak, Certmanager, and Oauth2 along with developer self-service.

Optional Apps

Next to the Core apps, Otomi offers optional apps like Knative, Harbor, Vault, Prometheus, Loki, Alertmanager, and more. These apps are all fully integrated and can be activated by dragging them to the active apps section in the Console.

In this lab we are going to activate Loki for logging.


  1. Go to Apps under the Platform section in the side menu and Drag and Drop Loki from the Disabled apps to the Enabled apps. Notice that Grafana and Prometheus will also be enabled. This is because Loki requires Grafana, and Grafana requires Prometheus and therefore they are also installed because of these dependencies.

  2. Click on Deploy Changes

  3. To see the progress of the installation of Loki, go to apps under the Platform section and click on Drone. In the top right you will see a play button. Click on it. The Drone app will now open in a new tab. Click on the otomi/values repository and then on the last build execution. When the apply step is finished, Loki and Grafana will be installed and ready to use.

  4. Go to the Apps section again and click on Loki. In the app bar, click on Values. The Loki chart has been installed with sane default values to support the most common use cases. Click on Duration to see the default value. All the defaults (specified in the Otomi values schema can be modified.

  5. In the app bar, click on Raw values. In the Raw values, all values of the Loki chart that are not provided with defaults from the Otomi values schema can be used here.

  6. Click on the play button. A new tab wil open and here you can execute queries to search for logs. Add the following query: {namespace="team-$TEAM-NAME"}. Now you will see all the logs of containers running in the namespace of your team. Copy the path after from the address bar in your browser.

  7. Go back to the console and in the Loki app, click on Shortcuts. Click edit and the Add item. Fill in a title (like "$TEAM-NAME logs"), a description (like "The logs of $TEAM-NAME") and paste the copied path. Now click submit. The shortcut you now created can be used to go directly to Loki and see the result of your query.