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Build, tag and push an image to Harbor


When Otomi is installed without using Let's Encrypt production certificates, make sure you download the CA.crt, add it to your Keychain and restarted Docker.

In this tutorial, you are going to:

  1. Activate Harbor
  2. Build an image and push it to Harbor in Otomi
  3. Create a Kubernetes Deployment and Service
  4. Publicly expose the Hello World app using Otomi

When you created a Team in Otomi, Otomi will automatically create a project for the team in Harbor. In this tutorial we'll assume you have created a team called demo.


  1. Activate Harbor

Go to Apps under the Platform section in the side menu and Drag and Drop Harbor from the Disabled apps to the Enabled apps.

  1. Create a robot account in Harbor

Robot accounts for teams can only be created by users with the otomi-admin role

  • Go to https://harbor.<your-ip>
  • Click 'Login with OIDC Provider'
  • Fill in your user name and click save
  • Under Administration, click Robot Accounts
  • Click on + New Robot account
  • Provide a name for the new robot account: team-demo-push
  • Set an Expiration time
  • Select team-demo and optionally change the permissions
  • Click Add
  • Copy the generated token
  1. Download the demo application used in this tutorial

Clone the repo used for this tutorial:

git clone
  1. Login to Harbor

Login with username otomi-team-demo-push & password: token

docker login -u 'otomi-team-demo-push' -p '$token' harbor.<your-ip>
  1. Build, tag and push the image

Build and tag the image:

docker build -t harbor.<your-ip> .

Push the image to Harbor:

docker push harbor.<your-ip>.nip.iom/team-demo/hello-world:latest

Now go to the team-demo project and verify that the hello-world repository has been created.