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Using secrets

In his tutorial, you are going to:

  • Create a secret in Hashicorp Vault
  • Create a Secret in Otomi
  • Use a secret in your workload

Create a secret in Hashicorp Vault

  • In the left panel under the Team demo, click Otomi Apps then click on Vault
  • Sign in with Method OIDC, skip role and click on Sign in with OIDC Provider

You are now automatically redirected to the team space teams/team-demo/created in Vault.

  • Click on Create secret
  • Provide a name for the secret. We'll use the name hello. The name of the secret will be: teams/team-demo/hello
  • In the key field, fill in TARGET
  • In the value field, fill in party people
  • Click on save

The secret is now created in vault. In the next tutorial, you are going to "inject" the secret in the Otomi service configuration.

Create a secret in Otomi

  • In the left panel under the Team demo, click Secrets
  • Click on Create secret
  • Provide a name for the secret. The name should match the name of the secret in Vault. Use the name hello
  • Select Generic (default)
  • Under Entries fill in TARGET (the key of the secret in Vault)
  • Click Submit
  • Click on Deploy Changes in the left pane of the console

Note: under the hood an open source tool called external-secrets is at work that will transform a Vault secret into a regular Kubernetes secret.

The secret in Vault is now mapped and can be used by the team in any workload. Otomi Console makes this easy by offering a secrets selector during creation of services.

Use a secret in your workload

Add the following snippet to the hello-ksvc.yaml file created in the previous tutorial to the spec: section of the Knative service:

- image: harbor.<your-ip>
runAsUser: 1001
- name: TARGET
name: hello

And apply the manifest to Kubernetes:

bash kubectl apply -f hello-svc.yaml

Go to<your-ip>

As you can see, the text on the page now shows the value `party people` of the secret you created in Vault.

You can do the same for the Knative service `hello-ksvc`.