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Configuring network policies

In this tutorial we are going to deploy a multi tier web application, called guestbook, register the 3 K8s services in Otomi and configure public access to the frontend service. Next, we will turn on the Network policies option for the team.


  1. Install the Guestbook application resources:
kubectl apply -f -n team-$TEAM-NAME
  1. Get the names of the created ClusterIP services:
kubectl get svc -n team-<$TEAM-NAME>

You will see 3 services:

NAME             TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
frontend ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 6m44s
redis-follower ClusterIP <none> 6379/TCP 6m44s
redis-leader ClusterIP <none> 6379/TCP 6m44s
  1. Go to Otomi Console. Make sure you have selected your team in the top bar en and then click the Services item under your team in the side menu.

  2. We will now first add the created frontend service to Otomi. Click Create Service.

  3. Fill in the name frontend.

  4. Under Exposure, select Ingress. Leave all other settings under exposure default.

  5. Leave all other settings default and click submit.

  6. Click Deploy Changes.


After the changes have been deployed (this will take a couple of minutes), you will see that the service we just created has a host name. Click on the host name to get access to the guestbook frontend. submit a few messages on the application.

  1. Register the redis-follower and redis-leader services via the otomi-console. Make sure to provide the correct port (6379) and leave all other settings default (so no exposure) and submit. You don't need to Deploy Changes after every submit.

When you create a service in Otomi with ingress Cluster, the K8s service will be added to the service-mesh in Otomi. When you create services in Otomi, the Istio Gateway is automatically configured and Istio virtual services are also automatically created.

Notice that the guestbook frontend still works!

  1. In Otomi Console go to your team and then click the Settings item.

  2. Under Network policy, enable Network policies. Click submit and then Deploy Changes


Now go to the Guestbook application and notice that your messages have disappeared and you can't submit new messages. This is because traffic between the frontend and the redis-leader and redis-follower services is not permitted anymore.

Let's fix this

  1. In the otomi-console, click on the redis-leader service.

  2. Under Network policies, select Allow selected and click add item. Add the following 2 items and submit:

Team nameService Name

Before deploying changes, go to the redis-follower service and do the same, but in this case only allow the frontend service:

Team nameService Name

Now Deploy Changes

Notice that the Guestbook app works again.