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Team Secrets

Any secret that is created here should have it's counterpart in Vault by the same name. Otomi will create kubernetes secrets from those Vault secrets. These can then be used in Otomi Services and Otomi Workloads, as injected env vars, or as file mounts.

Otomi supports 3 types of secrets:


Ask you platform administrator to activate Hashicorp Vault to be able to use this feature.

Create a Generic secret

Create a generic kubernetes secret by listing a selection of (or all) properties of a Vault secret registered with the same name.

Create a Docker Registry secret

The docker registry (or pull) secret should exist in Vault as a secret with the same name. The vault secret should be of type "json" and have only one property .dockerconfigjson. Use the following command to create the json:

email="not@us.ed" # can be something else if the registry provider expects it, but usually this is ignored
server="" # example: ""
username="" # your username
password="" # your password, can be token
kubectl create secret docker-registry --dry-run=client regcred --docker-email=$email --docker-server=$server --docker-username=$username --docker-password=$password -o jsonpath='{.data.\.dockerconfigjson}' | base64 --decode

Create a TLS secret

To create a TLS secret, the fields should correspond with the properties as named in the Vault secret registered with the same name. The "ca" field is optional and can be used to provide the certificate authority (for mTLS).

crtThe property name pointing to the PEM encoded public key certificate in Vaulttls.crt
keyThe property name pointing to the private key certificate content in Vaulttls.key
caThe property name pointing to the CA certificate content in Vault (optional)ca.crt